

This e-book is designed in order to share different ideas with you so at a personal and family level, you start doing actions which reduce the impact in the environment. Here you will learn:

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During my professional life, I have had the opportunity to work in a highly polluting industry for the environment, such as construction; I have worked in different sectors of the economy, which has allowed me to know firsthand the damage that we are generating to our planet in the tireless search to have more and more profitability every day, regardless of the serious consequences that this can generate in the deterioration of our planet which with time, are becoming critical.

For this reason and because I definitely want to contribute to a sustainable planet, I decided to make these practical guides so each one of us, as citizens of the earth, can start making some changes in our way of life in order to mitigate the climate crisis which we are facing.

I hope you enjoy it and find it usefulness, and that you commit with yourself to carry out most of these actions for the sake of our planet and future generations.